Qüestiona el teu Present i Futur Professional
La teva situació professional actual s'ajusta bé a les teves àrees de coneixement, patrons de comportament, expectatives de creixement i necessitats econòmiques?
A BCN Talent Logistics, t'ajudem a definir el teu futur professional. Compartirem amb tu una avaluació de qualitat del teu perfil i establirem una comunicació eficient que permeti, en última instància, oferir-te aquelles oportunitats que realment s'hi adequin. A més, posarem a la teva disposició el nostre coneixement del mercat logístic, de manera que puguis prendre la millor decisió per al teu futur professional.
Forma't al Port-Talent: Sponsors
A big thank you to all sponsors, partners and organisers for their commitment to the development of young talent in Logistics. We are thrilled to work with them in the new edition of Forma't - Talent. Their contribution is crucial to continue our important work, which will be successfully completed, thanks to the generosity of supporters like all of them.
What can we offer you?
Life-time Training Experience
Escola Europea offers a unique experience that will allow you to learn more about transport and logistics operations first-hand, by immersing yourself in a 7-day course in this field.
Quality Assessment
A professional and quality assessment is one of the main pillars to
know yourself better. A final assessment will be performed by which you
will be able to shape better your skills and your expectations towards
your career in Logistics. Experts in recruiting will evaluate you and
orientate you to your best options! As a participant of the course, you
will receive a proper evaluation report upon the training. -
Professional Advice
We will serve and assist, providing you with relevant information throughout the decision-making process, so that you can make the right decision concerning your own professional future.
Sobre BCN Talent Logistics
BCN Talent Logistics is established with a clear vision for excellence. We provide both, employers and professionals, with added value, based on high-quality standards when it comes to Talent Acquisition and Talent